The report lists 10 elements of high quality digital learning. Those of you who follow the push for educational reform won't likely find much new here. But what you will find is a list of a few key policy directions that stand a chance of delivering on the promise that technology has for education. Let me give you an example or two ... then you can digest the report yourself ... luckily it is one of those reports that is only a few pages long and doesn't waste time on putting in irrelevant stuff ...
Point 2: All students have access to high quality digital content and online courses.
Policy directions:
- do not restrict access to courses or content using class numbers, budget or enrolment caps or other such traditional measures ... just make them available
- do not restrict access due to geography
- do require school diplomas to have at least some online course completion requirement
Policy directions:
- allow students to take online courses full time, part time or by individual class
- allow students to enroll in multiple courses from multiple providers
- allow enrollment all year round
- no limit to number of credits take
I wonder how this might play out in our environment? I have made several suggestions in the past in varying formats that I believe it is inevitable that the nature of learning in schools must change - and I liken it to Chris Anderson's view of Long Tail Economics - I just can't see education in its current form for some students being valid for too much longer. There will likely be a need for bricks and mortar for some - but for others, why? Why when there are better options?
Anyway, read the report, and keep the discussions going - and try and implement a little of the directions every day in your schools.