Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is the pen mightier than the (s)Word?

Thanks to Derek's Twitter this morning about his Pulse SmartPen I now have set up an appointment with LiveScribe NZ to have a closer look at this to see if there is a fit for our students. Now, being one of those who has a "wow, I gotta have one of those" for each really cool looking tool that I see, I must admit that when I saw the first Youtube video - well, that's exactly what I said - and hence the meeting next week.

Then of course, I asked my Year 13 IB students what they thought. Pretty surprised by the response - half thought it was cool, half thought it was not.

So, while I can't wait to get my hands on one of these and give it the test drive, maybe they can. I'll get one of them to come along to the meeting with the Livescribe people - a good experience for both.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob,
    We've worked with a lot of high schools here in Australia and can share some great stories as to how they use the pen to help the learning experience.

    We just put a number of the pens into Brisbane Adventist College. They are using them for subjects like Chemistry and Maths - where they create short tutorials for students that they then distribute via Pencasts - posting the content into blogs for the students to access. In other examples the pen is used by students where English is not their first language. They can capture lessons and then replay later to help them learn - a really interesting feature here is the ability to slow down the audio replay - as this really helps them process what they are hearing.

    I'd be happy to share some case studies as to how the pens are being used. We've had very positive feedback with schools and students excited about the potential of the technology

    cheers Mark
